Message 49538

From :"Allen Kong" <>
Subject: [afb] PPC Emulation
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 09:35:17 -0800
I think you have to have a file in your ENVARC:ppc drawer called
"nopatch" with the number 1
in it.  So to do this just make a drawer called "powerpc" you "should"
have it.
and make a file, using ed, with the number 1 in it, call it "nopatch"
and you should be ok when you next boot.


Message 49539

From :Bert Volders <>
Subject: [afb] Re: aweb spoofing
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 18:58:08 +0100
Hey graeme

On 29-feb-00, you wrote:

> can anyone tell me how to spoof as mozilla on AWEB 3.2 SE

Buy the full version and it should be possible. Enables you also to get r=
id of those anoying cookie-requesters.

-- =

Bert Volders
Tag of the day:
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is
time to reform.
-- Mark Twain

Message 49540

From :"fool" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: FTP Server
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 17:56:49 -0000
Hi Matt,

> Let me just make one point clear: needlessly bashing certain
> software houses because they don't agree with your high and
> mighty (and also slightly naive) view of the world, does NOT
> make you big, tough, or sexy.

There are plenty of reasons to criticise every software house; every program
ever written (with the obvious exception of "Hello World" and the like) has
bugs and flaws and MS's software is particularly easy to criticise (apart
from Win2000 :)...mainly because the flaws are in a piece of sofware that's
used by a billion (random large number) people.  If the Amiga had been half
as successful, there'd be a much larger proportion of it's users criticising
it - as it stands, the users who are left are the ones who use it by choice,
so naturally there's fewer criticisms of it.

> It makes you look like a big, attention grabbing fool. No
> offence, Martin, if you're still here.

None taken - I knew you weren't talking about me from the "big, tough and
sexy" bit ;)

> If you have something constructive to say, say it. If it's
> something derogatory to Microsoft or Windows, or
> McDonalds or Burger King TAKE IT TO ANOTHER LIST.

Whether it's constructive or derogatory (and by that I'm assuming you're
talking about constructive criticism as opposed to criticising merely
because you can), it shouldn't be on here unless it's related to the Amiga.

> > > If you want to transfer data between a Windows PC and an Amiga
> > > (using what we call a LapLink cable), you can simply install a
> > > "direct cable connection" on the PC, use the PLIP protocol in Miami
> > > and use telnet from the PC to open a shell on the Amiga via the
> > > TCP device.

Does anyone know if the cable supplied with NetworkPC can be used in the
same way?

--  ICQ: 61700031

Message 49541

From :"Steven" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: GLQuake
Date: 29 Feb 2000 21:28:53 +0000

> What computer are you using? For GLQuake Timedemo 1 I get 11 fps using
> a 200Mhz 040 603e in 640x480.

I used Timedemo demo2 for the tests. I already stated the spec in a
previous mail, but its below anyway.

A1200T with CyberStormPPC 604e/200 and 060/50 with 96MB using a CVPPC
running CGX V4.2pre3. PowerUP progs run under PowerUp kernal (latest
flash update and libs - v46.28 IIRC), and WarpUp progs run under
WarpOS v3 (the latest available from H+P anyway - warp.library v4,
powerpc.library v15.0)


Message 49542

From :Chris Millar <>
Subject: [afb] WOA 2000 Shopping-list
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 15:12:33 +0000
Hello fellow afb'ers

Sometime in late June/early July, I intend to lose my WOA virginity. :)

Finally it seems, the orgainsers have come to their senses and discovered
that there's life outwith the M25, and will hold the show in BrummieLand.

Anyhoo, it's time to draw up a shopping-list, which includes the

Photogenics 4
PhotoFolio 2
A Sub to AF - I won't resist any longer Ben ;)
Heretic II
Any Boing! tat I can lay my hands on :)
Shareware registration of Frogger if possible
Keyboard switch for BMON 

.......and anything else that takes my fancy. :)


 Are you threatening me?  I am the Great Cornholio!  I need TeePee for my
-- Beavis, Beavis & Butthead

Powered by PowerPC Amiga in Dumfries & Galloway

A1200 Power Tower, 200Mhz PPC/060 50Mhz, BVision, 74Mb Ram, OS3.5, CGX V4.2

Panasonic 36" W-i-d-e-s-c-r-e-e-n TV, Pioneer 717 MultiRegion DVD, Denon AC3
Decoder, Mordaunt-Short Speakers, Marantz SubWoofer..... 

Message 49543

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Emergency disk
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 19:24:19 +0100
Hello Matt,

On 01-Mr-00, you wrote:

>> Of course it does. I'm using PFS2 with OS3.5 without any problems.
> You seem to be the exception if Mark is to be beleived..

No, I don't think so. I for one installed PFS2, checked my buffers (for
I knew about that Problem :) and forgot about it, and I think that's the
case for most PFS users. Of course they do not all post "Hey PFS2 works
on my system!", so you might get the impression everyone talking about
PFS has had bad experiences with it.

> You're not looking hard enough!

OK, I know that small buffers can ruin your HD Block ID (whatever that
is), but PFS3 now checks it and throws up a warning (this should really
have been a part of PFS2)

>> since I've installed PFS2 not even the worst crash could do harm to
>> my data...
> I could honestly say the same about my FFS partitions: my SFS Cache:
> partition causes me MORE problems..

I guess you have been lucky then, but a crash during a write access
under FFS can seriously screw your data, so bad that even DiskValidator
won't help anymore, and DiskSalv is not an option for some of my
partitions (>4GB)

> And if PFS2 is so good.. how come they released PFS3?

If AmigaDOS 1.3 is so good, how come they released AmigaOS 3.5?
 " HTML         "  "  "     "   "    "    "        HTML4?
 " SCSI         "  "  "     "   "    "    "        UW SCSI?

or even:

If FFS 41 is so good, how come they released FFS 45?


>> Honestly, why do you say things about PFS2/3 that are simply untrue?
> They ARE true. I read them in reviews, in letters columns in magazines
> (replied to by respectable Amiga Mag People who say "yeah that's a
> nasty quirk, but look at all the advantages you get for all that
> worry!")

I would be very interested what advantages you would get from PFS apart
from security? Sure, there is the speed increase, but the only fields
where it is really noticable is directory access (YAM) and seeking (e.g.
playing an AVI/QT movie)

> PFS3 is far from perfect. PFS2 is obviously not-so-perfect still. If
> you feel
> that you have to pay 30 so that your machine can crash without worry,
> you're tackling the wrong problem: WHY IS YOUR MACHINE CRASHING SO

Well, for example early versions of V3 (EARLY versions, I want to make
that clear!), Photogenics4, beta versions of PhotoFolio2, ramlib
problems (stupid, I know, but solved)...

But I've never had PFS2 crash my machine.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 49544

From :"Ian Urie" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: OS3.5 Emergency disk
Date: 29 Feb 2000 21:51:37 +0000
On 29-Feb-00 16:18:18, Sealey, M. said about [afb] Re: OS3.5 Emergency disk:
>> I'm sure it's the poxy new HDTOOLBOX. :(

> You're using PFS2? Why? It's buggy, obseleted, causes no end of
> problems ANYWAY.. and you expect it to work nicely with OS3.5?
> PFS3 doesn't even work with it properly!!

In what respect? I haven't had any problems so far....

Ian Urie  <>
 Let's split up, we can do more damage that way.

Message 49545

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: FTP Server
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:05:29 +0100
Hi M.

> What, that some dumbass Amiga programmer decided to use a
> freakish method for data transfer? That it's a hacky, kludged
> method designed before Windows was around? That Windows
> doesn't try to support obselete 10 year old DOS software?

Who cares? pc2amiga works first time every time and works on 95, 98, and nt.
If you just wanna copy a few files across (or in my case a whole CD) then
its great. Of course you wouldn't set up a network with it, but its not
made for that. It sucks up cpu time like there no tomorrow but its worth it

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

17) A bargain usually isn't.

Message 49546

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: hosts
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:14:40 +0100
On 01-Mar-00, Oliver Masters wrote:

> I agree freenetname sucks. I think I remember reading in their terms and
> conditions that you can't just run a single page site that redirects to
> other webspace. This makes sense as if you could then you would stop using
> their shite service and they'd be hosting your domain completely free
> after having paid to register it for you.

Are they gonna check every page looking for a redirection? if they just scan
the document s for the redirection tags, then I could just but the
redirection page on bigwig, then have a link to it on freenetname? :) ee by
gum I'm crafty is me!

> Check out they do UK domains for 1.99 inc. web and email
> forwarding. Don't take my word for it though, check the details for
> yourself.

What about the monthly payments?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

"Hey, Noah!  How long can you tread water?" -- God

Message 49547

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: hosts
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:19:30 +0100
Hi M.

> Or you COULD have just paid someone like
> 10 for the domain and hosted it any damned where you like
> forever (as long as you kept paying the 10 a two-year or whatever)

I was looking for something like that! :/ but every time I went to such a
page it'd read "Only 9.99!, plus 15/month thereafter...." Loads of places
will host them free, but all the cheap registration places needed you to
sign on for a year or so :/

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I'm going back to school soon, said Tom with class.

Message 49548

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Welcome
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:29:56 +0100
On 01-Mar-00, Paul Laycock wrote:

>>> Cue Vikings ...

>> Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!
>> Lovely Spam, Wonderful
>> Spam, spaaaaaam, Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam,
>> spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>> M!!!

> <VOICE PITCH="HIGH">"Shut up! Shut up!"</VOICE>


Mash - looking on the bright side of life
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I Doctor Who.

Message 49549

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's on AFCD51?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:33:55 +0100
On 01-Mar-00, Ben Vost wrote:

> Okay. We have the final release of Personal Paint on this CD. It's version
> 7.1b, which is newer than any version previously commercially available
> (although you could patch your existing 7.1 installation to 7.1b with the
> patch from Aminet). It takes up about 70M of space on the CD thanks to
> full documentation in three languages and a bunch of example pics and
> anims.


Just a small point though, its their fault it didn't sell very well:

1) DPaint still had some features miles ahead of it, and that is years old
2) I seem to have several free versions on my HD anyway
3) Everyone already has DPaint which does virtually the same thing just
aswell anyway
4) No 24-bit

Basically, it never offered anything marginally better than that which was
given away with amigas anyway, you can heardly blame anyone for not buying

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Oxymoron: Disco music.

Message 49550

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's on AFCD51?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:39:26 +0100
Hi M.

> I'm sure that using Blitz can't be helping much, either. And age is
> no measure of ability: which must mean you're either lazy or crap ;)

pleeeeeease tell me you're joking about the blitz sentance?

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

Pro-choice? That's a lie...babies never choose to die!

Message 49551

From :Matthew O'Neill <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's on AFCD51?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 16:35:18 +0100
Hi M.

> .. although if they're willing to throw PPaint 7.1 to all
> you magazine people, is that a sign that PPaint 8 is on the
> way, or that they couldn't give a toss about us greasy Amiga
> users anymore? :)

The fact that a big hint was that they're leaving the amiga platform leads
me to believe that I'm greasy

Mash - 
Matthew O'Neill - MashMan

I love the sound of silence. Say what's on your mind.

Message 49552

From :roger buckley <>
Subject: [afb] Re: What's on AFCD51?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 13:38:33 +0000
Hello Ben

On 01-Mar-00, you wrote:

> Okay. We have the final release of Personal Paint on this CD. .
Good new & bad. Does this mean Cloanto have finished with the Amiga ?


Amiga 1200, Viper 68030 Mk V Accel with 50Mhz FPU and 8 MBFast, Seagate 410MB
2.5" internal HD and 800MB SCSI HD in a midi tower with 4xCDRom. 56k Modem,
Power Port Junr Serial IF G.Image Hand Scanner & Citizen Swift Printer.
ICQ-62990780 Robuck2
The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
the first one was useless.
-- Chamfort

Message 49553

From :"Tom Miles" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The Spendathon 2
Date: 1 Mar 2000 2:58:33 +0000
Hiya Carl 

On 29-Feb-00 21:28:47, you said:
>Yes the sequels are (nearly) always inferior but......
es :

>Tomorrow is the start of a new month so some of you will have been
>paid recently so the spendathon span lasts from tomorrow until
>midnight on March 10th.  To be eligible you must buy some Amiga
>software between these dates (inclusive).  No I don't care if you

Well I'm going for the early bird, cheapskate award.  At approximately
2.50am on 1st March I ordered Cybergfx V4 update.  I just hope that the reg
code I submitted is correct!

Toodle pip,


Project Omega Completion: 70%+              Forced Landing Date:  April 2000
Project Webpage:                                    __
Http://       :      /// Amiga 1200T/040 25Mhz
UIN: 15835139                               : __  ///  603e+ 160Mhz 50Mb RAM
Techno   Grebo   Skater   Geek	            : \\\///   BlizzardVisionPPC Gfx
Tatooed  Vegan  Piercing Freak	            :  \XX/    4620Mb HDs  24x CDROM

Message 49554

From :"Paul Cundle" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 Query
Date: 29 Feb 2000 21:52:38 +0000
On Tue Feb 29, Kevin Fairhurst was heard muttering:

> OR you could get yourself
> one of those RGB -> Scart adaptors that Tandy used to sell ...

Used to? I bought one a few months ago :)

Doesn't work though...

> Kev

Paul C, would I lie to you?

Message 49555

From :"" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Clockport serial card woes
Date: 1 Mar 2000 18:26:28 +0000
Andy Mills ( on 20 Feb 2000 22:18:10 +0000:
> Hello , on 19-Feb-00 21:01:04 you said about:
>   [afb] Clockport serial card woes 
> >I have a problem.  Well I have have several, but this one is computer
> >related, so I wonder if anyone can offer any advise. :-)
> >I purchased an Eyetech PortJnr serial interface from Active Technologies, and
> >I've never been able to get it to work with my rev 1B A1200 with Blizzard
> >A1230/50.
> >
> >I can connect to the internet at a decent connection speed (about 49333bps),
> >but when connected, any requests for web pages, or e-mail download requests,
> >go unanswered until it times out.  As I said before, the internal serial port
> >works just fine.
> >
> >I've tried different ISPs, removing WB patches and any unnecessary hardware,
> >fiddling with the TCP/IP settings on Genesis, and trying another A1200 (also
> >a rev 1B), with no luck.
> >
> >I suspect that the old revision 1B board is the problem.
> [snip]
> I'm also using a PortJnr on a 1B MoBo and it works fine. Are you using
> the latest driver?

Wasn't, apparently, but am now. (V2.95beta)

Unfortunately, it still ain't working properly.  It connects & works to start
with, but after a few minuets, it grinds to a halt and any request for new pages
etc, are ignored.

If it isn't a rev 1b problem, then I'm at a loss.  Anyone else have any ideas?

Wayne Stuart

Message 49556

From :"Peter Hutchison" <>
Subject: [afb] re: PSP and IFF
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:40:33 -0000
>    You could try Paint shop pro. I use it quiet allot and its ok. The
>thing about it is you usually find a free trial version on Mag cover
>so you can get the feel of it B4 you buy. It has most of the features
>could need, eg Layers etc and Version 6 also has vector graphic support.
>Plus It can read / write Amiga Iff files :-)

BTW, the so called Amiga (.IFF) file format isn`t a true ILBM format and I
couldn`t get
Multiview to open them. The DPaint (.LBM) format is definately compatible.

Peter Hutchison

Message 49557

From :Rick Hodger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The Spendathon 2
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 09:50:19 +0000
I watched as Carl Berry hammered "[afb] The Spendathon 2" out on their

> The prizes ?  They are all  crap you don't want to know... no
> really...oh go on then.

> You get your pick from :

> Lemmings 2
> Sim Earth
> Pinball Mania
> Beneath a Steel Sky
> Amiga Format presents Get the most out of ..... Music X (video) (I
> could stretch to the Music X coverdisk as well if you need it and I
> can find it)
> And a CD called Milk and Blood by almost Ben Vost lookalike and ex-
> Faith No More basist Jim Martin (in very good condition, played only a
> couple of times to preserve its quality and not because its dire or
> anything honest).

I have a vast collection of old games I could add to that list...Flight of
the Intruder anyone?  IK+? California Games 2?  All slightly dusty, but in
working condition :)

<sb>Rick Hodger - rick . thehub @ bigfoot . com
<sb>Anti Spam Sig - Remove the spaces
<sb>It's not when you get up, but when you get down.

Message 49558

From :Rick Hodger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Why is this?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 09:46:34 +0000
I watched as Primo Busancano hammered "[afb] Why is this?" out on their

> Gentlmen and ladies,
>  Can someone tell why I get the following come up?
>     Amiga Early Startup Control
> (press any key to toggle the display between NTSC & PAL)
>    Bootup options
>    Display options
>    Expansion Board Diagnostic 
>    Boot                          Boot with no startup sequence
> This appears to be a random event.Also ,when this happens ,the mouse
> becomes usless it justs jumps up and down on the left of the
> screen,and cannot be moved to activate any of the above buttons.
> My rodent is a "Punchinello" type from Power Computing.

Let me got the Punchinello + Wheel Mouse deal?

>  Can anyone explain why this happens,but above all what does it all
> mean?

If you got the bundled Punchinello + mouse deal then I can.  Very simple,
the lead on the mouse isn't of the greatest quality...and with the length
of the adaptor and everything, does it push up against a wall or something?
 If it does, try pulling your miggy out form the wall a bit.  When the
lead/PS2 connector on mine gets pushed right up against the wall (and now
I'm guessing) some of the wires seem to get crossed and it does bizaire and
wonderful things with the mouse pointer.-- 
<sb>Rick Hodger - rick . thehub @ bigfoot . com
<sb>Anti Spam Sig - Remove the spaces
<sb>Save the whales, collect the whole set.

Message 49559

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: A4000 Query
Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:01:22 +0000
On 29 Feb 2000 21:52:38 +0000, Paul Cundle ( wrote:
> On Tue Feb 29, Kevin Fairhurst was heard muttering:
> > OR you could get yourself
> > one of those RGB -> Scart adaptors that Tandy used to sell ...
> Used to? I bought one a few months ago :)

But can you still buy them?

> Doesn't work though...

Take it back and swap it then   ;-)

Seriously, the ones they sell (25 pin RGB + audio -> scart) should work in
an A4000.  I should know, I've got an A4000!   :)

Are you sure it's not a problem with your TV?


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

Message 49560

From :"Kevin Fairhurst" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: The Spendathon 2
Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:03:18 +0000
On Wed, 01 Mar 2000 09:50:19 +0000, Rick Hodger ( wrote:

> I have a vast collection of old games I could add to that list...Flight of
> the Intruder anyone?  IK+? California Games 2?  All slightly dusty, but in
> working condition :)

If you like, you can run Spendathon 4 - I've bagsied Spendathon 3  :-)


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

Message 49561

From :"Phil Allen" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Keyboard PC
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 11:45:23 -0800
"ben vost" <> wrote: 
original article:
> Hi Mark,
> > And it wasn't even unique to Amiga either. I mean, Amstrad's,
> > Commodore 64's and too many more to mention were all arranged this
> > (even the BBC's)
> There have been keyboard PCs before too, so it's hardly a novelty.

You mean the wheel of time and fashion has turned already? When were
these keyboard PCs around? We should be able to figure out a time-line
for the Amiga becoming pre-eminent once more!

Vive la revolution! :)

Regards, Phil

Message 49562

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TinTin (Was: Amiga website)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 19:48:26 -0000
Hi Paul

> > > Or how about the old game TinTin which was released about the same
> > > time as Batman? I think thats a bit of a stronger link! ;)
> >
> > There was a Tintin game?  What type of game was it?  Hopefully it
> wasn't
> > a platformer in the style of Batman :-)
> Sorry to break it to you like this, but yeh! Its that only way anyone
> ever did licenses... ;) I think it was in AF5. Never owned (or played)
> the game, mind you!

My Spectrum emulator's just cooling off now, and I can tell you this:
don't bother, it's a crap game.  Right, I'm off for another go at level 43
of Logo...

Lovely job
Alex Furmanski -
Also, *another* new site coming soon (!)
ICQ: 51206302

This week's lie: It is possible to transmute marzipan into gold merely by
folding it correctly

Message 49563

From : "Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT Internet
Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:0:59 +0000
Hi Pam,

On 01-Mar-00 16:16:08 GMT, Pam wrote:

>> I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned here today...  BT Internet
>> are now offering (as of 1 March) 0800 calls on weekday evenings
>> (6pm-midnight) as well as at weekends.  What's more, they've reduced
>> their subscription charge to 9.99 per month.  Too good to be true?
>> Maybe :)

> OK, stupid question time.....
> Can I set up my Amiga (via NetConnect) to access this? Or does it need
> special software that only runs from a PC?

You can use NetConnect, no problem.  The problem is signing up - I've
tried using IB 2.1, Voyager3, AWeb 3.3SE and IB2.2beta, both with and
without Javascript enabled.  All produced differing results, but to cut
a long story short, neither worked :(  Yes, BT's HTML/JS still sucks!

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 [ PGP public key available on request ]        Team *AMIGA*

Message 49564

From : "Oliver Roberts" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: BT Internet
Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:6:57 +0000
Hi Robert,

On 01-Mar-00 16:52:07 GMT, Robert Johnston wrote:

> Oops, I missed out on this the First time, but Enterprise (My ISP) have
> just announced 0800 Weekend access coming with the Next Batch of CD's
> (Due in the post today), as well as planned "Always Off-peak" schemes and
> suchlike... The Charge? 11.75+VAT, and you get 25Mb Webspace, Unlimited
> Multilinks, Unlimited E-mail space, Unlimited E-Mail Addresses, CGI +
> SSI, Local Rate Tech Support...

I don't fancy returning to Enterprise - they were my first ISP, and
I left them for Freeserve, after loads of problems.  Funny thing is
that I still have access to my webspace there, even though I closed
my account over a year ago :)  I've been very impressed with
Freeserve - IMHO, they're service is much better (less problems).
Having said that, I've been having connectivity problems with Freeserve
(line drops, etc) over the last few weeks, so I've got nothing to lose
with going back to BT (Enterprise use the same BTNet backbone), just to
see if they've improved at all :)

 *Oliver Roberts*  -  Norwich, UK  -  Software Developer & Web Designer
 /  |  /  -  ICQ: 34640231
 Pace 56 Solo mailing list  ==>

Message 49565

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: hosts
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 19:55:38 -0000

All this talk of domain names has got me-a-pondering.  How would I go
about getting a domain with a different suffix?  Such as .it?

Lovely job
Alex Furmanski -
Also, *another* new site coming soon (!)
ICQ: 51206302

This week's lie: It is possible to transmute marzipan into gold merely by
folding it correctly

Message 49566

From :Matthew Garrett <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Strange dates (Was BT Internet)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:09:29 +0000
On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 07:06:57PM +0000, Oliver Roberts wrote:

> Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:6:57 +0000
Does anywhere actually write it like that?

Matthew Garrett |

Message 49567

From :"Alex Furmanski" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: hosts
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 20:17:10 -0000
Hi Matt

> Someone pointed me at a lovely place:

They do look pretty good.  So could I get a domain registered with them
and host it on, say Free4All?  Would it be a full host or just forwarding?

Lovely job
Alex Furmanski -
Also, *another* new site coming soon (!)
ICQ: 51206302

This week's lie: It is possible to transmute marzipan into gold merely by
folding it correctly

Message 49568

From :Vincenzo Morra <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Fusion68k Cancled
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:18:52 +0100
Hello Ben

On 01-Mar-00, Ben Vost wrote:

> It's a little more complex than that and mainly revolves around Jim Drew's
> slightly schizophrenic attitude to business... Fusion 3.4 *is* complete
> and ready.

THANK YOU BEN!!!!! That is exactly what I wanted to say.
I have had so many arguments with that man in the past that I have lost count.

I wanted to go on the Fusion list and "attack" him again but I am fed up to do
that. If he is tired about the Amiga market than he can fu#k off somewhere

I am having enough of him playing God.

Vincenzo Morra
ICQ: 18467837

Message 49569

From :Sandy Brownlee <>
Subject: [afb] Re: FTP Server
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:28:24 +0000
Hello xatiminey

On 01-Mar-00, you wrote:

> Sandy Brownlee wrote:
>>> alternatively, you could use pc2amiga which was on AACD4, IIRC.
>> Sadly, I don't get AA.
> Its also on Aminet;
> and you might want the fix too;
> but that's probably not useful to you.
> Its small and could be hidden deep in a directory tree, so no one would
> know it was you (apart from yourself, of course).
> I'd be interested to know if PC2Amiga works in windows9x, btw.
> If it doesn't - one more laughable aspect of windows.

Thanks, I'll give this a try sometime soon.



Sandy Brownlee, connected from rural Aberdeenshire in Scotland
OS3.5 & PPC Powered!
Sent using YAM 2.0
This taglline will self- destruct upon deletion.

Message 49570

From :Sandy Brownlee <>
Subject: [afb] Door Wedge PC (Was: What's on AFCD51?)
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:16:37 +0000
Hello Mikey

On 01-Mar-00, you wrote:

>> Sort of OT, has anyone seen recently? You gotta check out
> the
>> news on the "revolutionary zero-footprint PC" made me laugh ;)
> Made me laugh too! Revolutionary? Hardly :)
> Unfortunatley the Windoze Sheep will think it so. 

Hmm. It always happens. Have you noticed how far up the keyboard the keys
actually are? That can't be comfortable, and how exactly are you supposed
to put expansion cards in there?

Oh, you don't...



Sandy Brownlee, connected from rural Aberdeenshire in Scotland
OS3.5 & PPC Powered!
Sent using YAM 2.0
If at first you don't succeed, don't skydive.

Message 49571

From :Sandy Brownlee <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Emulation
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:27:10 +0000
Hello Allen

On 01-Mar-00, you wrote:

> I think you have to have a file in your ENVARC:ppc drawer called
> "nopatch" with the number 1
> in it.  So to do this just make a drawer called "powerpc" you "should"
> have it.
> and make a file, using ed, with the number 1 in it, call it "nopatch"
> and you should be ok when you next boot.

Sorry, could you repeat that...

(I'm having probs with ppclib emulation too)



Sandy Brownlee, connected from rural Aberdeenshire in Scotland
OS3.5 & PPC Powered!
Sent using YAM 2.0
This taglline will self- destruct upon deletion.

Message 49572

From :Sandy Brownlee <>
Subject: [afb] Re: FTP Server
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:32:03 +0000
Hello xatiminey

On 01-Mar-00, you wrote:

>> If you want to transfer data between a Windows PC and an Amiga
>> (using what we call a LapLink cable), you can simply install a
>> "direct cable connection" on the PC, use the PLIP protocol in Miami
>> and use telnet from the PC to open a shell on the Amiga via the
>> TCP device.
> but ye already got a TCP/IP link.
> and you get even faster transfer rates with PC2Amigas custom cable.

Don't have one, and I could do without *another* cable.

> btw, Sandy, wouldn't you get better performance for quake if you used
> it's own null modem multiplayer option.

Warpquake doesn't have this option, and I can't get other ppc quakes to work
on the miggy just now. I'll try when I have more spare time :-/

> -curry (trying to put out the fire before it burns afb down)

Here's an electronic bucket of water. Oh, it's just flowed straight through
the keyboard, starting another fire. Damn. :-)



Sandy Brownlee, connected from rural Aberdeenshire in Scotland
OS3.5 & PPC Powered!
Sent using YAM 2.0
Life is dangerous. You could die.

Message 49573

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: TinTin (Was: Amiga website)
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:18:42 +0000
Paul Laycock wrote:

> Sorry to break it to you like this, but yeh! Its that only way anyone
> ever did licenses... ;) I think it was in AF5. Never owned (or played)
> the game, mind you!

If you're thinking of "Tintin on the Moon" by Infogrames then I'm proud to
announce that it's in my collection of old, barely-played games.  :)

It's a platform level followed by a steer-the-ship-to-avoid-the-asteroids
level (and so on, about eight times each) until you reach the moon. The
graphics weren't bad, but that's about it. Hmm... never did reach the moon.


Message 49574

From :"Jonathan M. Dudley" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: save editor for ADoom
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:33:21 +0000
gaz wrote:

> has anyone found or used a editor for Adoom for the amiga?
> i know there is one available for pc owners...
> if so could you email me the location if possible

If you mean a WAD editor then yes, there is a version of DEU (Doom Editing
Utilities) for the Amiga. A search of Aminet or AFCDs will produce it.

Failing that, if you can run Shapeshifter or Fusion, there's a Mac version
of DEU or, better yet, Hellmaker (I've long since lost the URLs so you'll
need to search the web).

Hope that helps,

This week I ar bin mostly playin' Foundation DC.

Message 49575

From :"Anthony Prime" <>
Subject: [afb] Serves me right (slightly OT)
Date: 1 Mar 2000 19:28:01 +0000

I aquired a modem for my Psion series 5 and was struggling to set it

The manual was as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, so I sent Psion
an email that was, in hindsight, a little curt (Heck, it could have
been written by Neil Bothwick himself ;)

In the meantime I sorted it out, but the guys at Psion were more than
a match for me. I've just had to download a 2mb PDF file, over my
standard A1200 serial port :(

Anthony Prime
>>Powered by Amiga in Crewe

Message 49576

From :Oliver Esberger <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Commodore started it...
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 21:36:41 +0100
Hello Mash,

On 23-Feb-99, you wrote:

> Workbench 3.0 User's Guide, page xv, paragraph 4, 4th from last word.
> Did we start we start the term _multimedia_ for a computer which move
> gfx and make a bleep at the same time?
> Mash

The term "Multimedia" was introduced by Apple at the end of the
eighties, it was part of a campaign. But the things they were showing
have been done by Commodore's A2000 (and a bit later the A3000) earlier
and better... only they called it "Desktop Video (DTV)"

Mind you, those were the eighties.

Oliver Esberger -

Message 49577

From :"Will" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Am I missing the point ?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 12:51:33 -0800
"gerald mellor" <> wrote: 
original article:

> > As there isn`t any real News why not drop the section and devote the
> > resouces elsewhere. The only News I will believe is a working model
> > comming off a production line.
> You wouldn't call Amiga being bought by another company "real 
> News"? I think most people want to know what's going on with the 
> Amiga, even if you don't.
> Gerry

I have followed the Amiga news stories for over a decade and just feel
that I have seen/heard it all before. If most people wanted to know
what is going on at Amiga then magazine sales would not keep dropping,
perhaps a lot of people are fed up of listening to promises and would
like articles full of practical electronics projects and advice.



Message 49578

From :Arran Smalley <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Welcome
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:46:06 +0000

Matthew O'Neill wrote:
> On 01-Mar-00, Paul Laycock wrote:
> >>> Cue Vikings ...
> >> Lovely Spam, Wonderful Spam!
> >> Lovely Spam, Wonderful
> >> Spam, spaaaaaam, Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam,
> >> spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
> >> M!!!
> > <VOICE PITCH="HIGH">"Shut up! Shut up!"</VOICE>

Where-so-ever computer type people shall gather, there shall eventually
be the quoting of the great Monty Python.

Geek rule no. 462 ;P

Arran (an ex-computer science student)

saying Nee!

Message 49579

From :Arran Smalley <>
Subject: [afb] Re: re: PSP and IFF
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 20:51:39 +0000

Peter Hutchison wrote:
> >    You could try Paint shop pro. I use it quiet allot and its ok. The
> >best
> >thing about it is you usually find a free trial version on Mag cover
> >disks
> >so you can get the feel of it B4 you buy. It has most of the features
> >you
> >could need, eg Layers etc and Version 6 also has vector graphic support.
> >Plus It can read / write Amiga Iff files :-)
> BTW, the so called Amiga (.IFF) file format isn`t a true ILBM format and I
> couldn`t get
> Multiview to open them. The DPaint (.LBM) format is definately compatible.

Save your work as GIF or JPG format, it's quite easy to get the Amiga to
read these. If you use PPaint, you can also try PNG files.
Forget IFF-ILBM's, the lack of decent compression means that any
decently sized image will take up a huge amount of space on disc.


Message 49580

From :"Carl Berry" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Commodore started it...
Date: 1 Mar 100 20:56:27 +0000
> Hi
> Workbench 3.0 User's Guide, page xv, paragraph 4, 4th from last word.
> Did we start we start the term _multimedia_ for a computer which move gfx
> and make a bleep at the same time?

Oh god I hope not.  I don't think we want to be blamed for that as
well do we ?

Anyway as it was pointed out to me in a lecture a couple of years ago
it isn't even correct, it should be multi-medium.  Media is a plural
and why would you have multiple plurals ?


Message 49581

From :"Will" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Am I missing the point ?
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 13:03:23 -0800
"james potter" <> wrote:
> Only occasional news items about a new dawn, not constant :) There
> things happening that are concrete and tangible. Maybe you should
give it a
> year, then come back and see if anything's changed. If nothing has
and we're
> all off to use Windows 2000 Service Pack 68 then you can say "I told
you so"
> :)
> James.

I don`t think anything will change and I have no interest is saying I
told you so. I see Amiga a bit like the Rover car company, the old
Rovers and Wolseys were really something (I know I owned a six cylinder
beauty.) However, after various ownerships and re-packaging I don`t see
any new Rover being anything to get excited about and I would be very
wary about spares availability pending the next take over. If I still
owned a classic car I would want my classic car magazine to concentrate
on my model, not the promised new range.



Message 49582

From :Peter Gordon <>
Subject: [afb] Re: Commodore started it...
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 21:02:13 +0000

> The term "Multimedia" was introduced by Apple at the end of the
> eighties, it was part of a campaign. But the things they were showing
> have been done by Commodore's A2000 (and a bit later the A3000) earlier
> and better... only they called it "Desktop Video (DTV)"

And now Apple are going on about Desktop Movies :) hmmm....

so long and thanks for all the fish

... (0x2B|!0x2B), that is the question.

Message 49583

From :George Davis <>
Subject: [afb] Re: PPC Emulation
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 21:06:14 +0000
On 01-Mar-00, Allen Kong wrote:

> I think you have to have a file in your ENVARC:ppc drawer called
> "nopatch" with the number 1 in it. =

Yeah,I've set the env variables 'PowerPC/nopatch - 1' and 'PowerPC/termin=
ator - not 2'
I still can't execute PowerUp programs..
Any /other/ ideas?
-- =


Message 49584

From :"Carl Berry" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: R=?iso-8859-1?q?=E8v=F3lo=FCti=F5n=E2r=FF?= (W as: What's on AFCD51?)
Date: 1 Mar 100 21:13:03 +0000
Hi Matt

> > > 
> > > Go and search for the "Ottoman" PC - it's like a footstool with
> > > a PC inside it!
> >

Ohhhhh pretty, but Matt what would you sit on ? ;)


Message 49585

From :"Will" <>
Subject: [afb] BT
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 13:19:06 -0800
For anybody who is interested.

BT have, as from today, reduced the monthly subscription to 9.99 and
have activated the free access line each evening from 6.00pm as well as

I haven`t tried to log on with an Amiga but the help line did tell me
(some time ago,) that although they don`t officially support Amiga
there are some Amiga news groups on BT and it is possible to configure
a 1200 to log on.



Message 49586

From :"Oliver Masters" <>
Subject: [afb] Re: hosts
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:25:42 -0000
Mash said this:

> Are they gonna check every page looking for a redirection? if
> they just scan
> the document s for the redirection tags, then I could just but the
> redirection page on bigwig, then have a link to it on
> freenetname? :) ee by
> gum I'm crafty is me!
> > Check out they do UK domains for 1.99 inc. web
> and email
> > forwarding. Don't take my word for it though, check the details for
> > yourself.
> What about the monthly payments?

Neil Bothwick has since pointed out a number of complaints directed at The one Matt Sealey recommends looks pretty good though slightly more expensive but you get what you pay for
I guess. Personally I use dreamhost not especially
cheap, but they do the job properly, which is what you want for your money.

As for the redirect thing, dunno, you'd have to try it and see if FNN throw
you off :)

See ya later,
